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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Blind and Visually Impaired Adult Rehabilitation and Employment Survey:Final Results

Blind and Visually Impaired Adult Rehabilitation and Employment Survey:Final Results

 By Edward C. Bell, Ph.D. and Natalia M. Mino

Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., serves as director of the Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness, Louisiana Tech University.
Individuals who are legally blind or visually impaired in the United States have long suffered high rates of unemployment. The purpose of this study was to determine the current employment status of these individuals and to analyze its consistency with federal reports. The study also examined demographic factors, education, civic involvement, and rehabilitation experiences of this population in order to determine whether some of the factors could be identified as contributing to the employment outcomes. Results showed that the employment rate for individuals who are legally blind/visually impaired is 37%, which is consistent with previous research. Findings show that a gender gap still exists, with a significant difference in annual earnings between men and women. Education and rehabilitation-related factors seemed to impact employment outcomes; where higher educational attainment is associated with better employment outcomes. In addition, those individuals who were trained under the Structured Discovery approach were more likely to be employed and to have higher earnings than those who did not. Finally, for individuals who read Braille on a weekly basis and used a white cane, the likelihood of being employed and receiving higher earnings was higher than those who did not use these tools.


Rehabilitation Research, Employment Outcomes, Education, training centers, Braille, Cane Travel; Structured Discovery

Adult Rehabilitation and Employment Survey

This study sought to describe the current employment status of individuals who are blind and visually impaired (VI) in the U.S. and to examine its consistency with federal reports. In addition, it explored those factors that might have an impact on employment status for this section of the population. In order to do so, a summary of the most current federal data is included, followed by a review of the literature that analyze the employment situation of people with disabilities in the U.S. and, more specifically, those factors related to an increase in employment outcomes by blind and VI individuals.

Employment Status of Blind and VI Individuals: Federal Reports

The 2010 U.S. Census reports that the total population in the United States is 308,746,538. According to the provisional report for the 2010 National Health Interview Survey, 21.5 million American adults age 18 and older reported experiencing vision loss (defined as individuals who reported that they have trouble seeing, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses, as well as those who reported that they are blind or unable to see at all). By December 2011, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that approximately 2 million individuals from 16 to 64 years old were identified as having vision loss according to the Current Population Survey (CPS) for all working age adults (16 to 64 years of age). Of them, 63.6% were not in the civilian labor force (i.e., those who were identified as "not in the labor force" were not actively looking for work during the reported month, and thus not included in the unemployment rate, even though they were not employed as well). Of the 36.4% who were in the labor force, 13.8% were unemployed. However, the employment to population ratio showed that of the 2 million working age adults with vision loss, only 31.3% were employed (American Foundation for the Blind, 2012). These data are similar to that of Bell (2010) who reported that by 2007, only 37% of adults who were legally blind exiting the vocational rehabilitation (VR) system were achieving competitive employment.
The present study analyzed how the above reports are reflected in the current employment situation of blind and VI individuals. And, more importantly, whether specific rehabilitation, education, and/or civic factors could be identified that might be indicative of increased employment.

Disability, Employment, and the Vocational Rehabilitation System

In the pursuit of employment, each person, especially those with significant disabilities, has to navigate a whole host of social services, institutions, and processes that are aimed at assisting them in achieving their vocational goals. These include the state-federal VR process (Schriner, 2001; Schroeder, 2000); public financial support, such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (Vaughn & Omvig, 2005); and an entire array of education and employment preparation institutions (Amato, 2009; Hershenson, 1998; Jeanmarie & Strauser, 2000). For those who have successfully achieved employment, these social systems worked, in some form or fashion, to facilitate success. While for many others, these same systems have served as a land minefield, with continual road blocks, delays, and dead ends.
The most commonly reported research in the area of employment outcomes comes from secondary analysis of existing databases, such as the RSA VR closure system, to identify variables that correlate with employment outcomes. For example, Randolph (2004) found that disability status was the variable that presented the strongest negative correlation with employment. The author determined that disability status was a strong negative predictor of employment, particularly of being competitively employed. He found that females with a disability, who were less educated and who had young children, were less likely to be employed.
A study by Ozawa and Yeo (2006) compared the employment outcomes of individuals with mild and severe disabilities with those having no disability (it is important to notice that of the factors that the authors used to classify individuals into mild or severe disability groups, the use of a wheelchair, white cane, or similar aid for more than 6 months was one of the most relevant). The results showed that the rate of employment was inversely related to the degree of disability. From the group of respondents with no disability 83.04% were employed, while those in the mild disabilities group and the severe disabilities group were employed at 69.94% and 51.54% respectively. These authors found, as did Randolph (2004), that disability affects two main aspects of work performance: the likelihood of working and monthly earnings. The probabilities of working were significantly less for respondents with severe disabilities than for those with mild or with no disability. Monthly earnings of both respondents with mild disabilities and with severe disabilities were lower than those of people with no disability. According to Baldwin and Schumacher (2002), not only the chances of obtaining a job and earnings are negatively correlated to disability status, but also job mobility. Workers with disabilities were more likely to experience involuntary job changes than nondisabled workers.
Martz and Xu (2008) analyzed the demographic and service-related predictors of employment among individuals with disabilities who received VR services and who exited from a state-federal system in a U.S. southern state. Having a sample composed of clients who received VR services from the Tennessee Division of the Rehabilitation Services (TDRS) during the years of 1998-2004, this study showed that those individuals with learning disabilities had the highest employment rate (93.3%) and the ones that presented the lowest employment rate were individuals with visual disabilities (78.7%). For this later group, gender and age were significant predictors of employment outcome, with women being less likely to be employed.
The next section summarizes findings on predictors of employment specifically for the blind and VI population.

Blindness, Employment, and the Vocational Rehabilitation System

Warren-Peace (2009) analyzed outcomes and predictors of employment and the differences between clients who were legally blind and clients with other disabilities. With this framework, the RSA-911 data for Fiscal Year 2007 was used. Results showed that approximately 34% of consumers with legal blindness were closed competitively, while 29.5% of individuals in this same group were closed in non-competitive employment (i.e., homemaker and unpaid family worker). This is in sharp contrast to other disability groups, where non-competitive employment was only 1.5%. Of the total of noncompetitive closures, clients who were legally blind represented 43.6%. This suggested that out of the 19 disability types included in this study, just the legally blind group accounted for a significant amount of the total of noncompetitive closures in FY 2007.
According to the literature, there are several factors that predict employment for the blind and VI. Among them, educational level, age, training in blindness skills, and visual status remain consistent across the research studies. Leonard, D'Allura, and Horowitz (1999) found that both achieving a higher educational level and attending an integrated school setting for most of one’s schooling was associated with being employed. In addition, the use of printed material as a primary reading medium, employment related skills (computer, typing, and use of public transportation), psychosocial variables (overall satisfaction with social contact and receipt of encouragement from family and friends), vision rehabilitation service, and technology training were associated with being employed. In relation to those factors that predicted employment in higher level positions, they identified higher level of education, technology training, orientation and mobility (O&M) training, and fewer hours of rehabilitation teaching.
In addition to the receipt of education services that resulted in a certificate or degree, Capella-McDonnall (2005) concluded that having worked since the onset of the disability, the reason for applying to rehabilitation for services, and a high-quality relationship between the client and rehabilitation counselor were the greatest predictors of an employment outcome. In contrast, McDonnall and Crudden (2009) concluded that an involvement with the VR counselor was not associated with employment. In this later study, the results showed that work experience, academic competence, self-determination, use of assistive technology, and locus of control were all significant predictors of employment in transition-age youth with blindness. Cavenaugh, Giesen, and Steinman (2006) also found that the education level reached and the age at the time of application, followed by the presence of a secondary disability, and race/ethnicity were strong predictors of employment.
Regarding visual status, Leonard et al (1999) found that this factor had an important impact on employment outcomes, since those individuals who were blind were more likely to be employed in higher level positions than those who were partially sighted. A study by Darensbourg (2013) also revealed that the severity of vision loss was a statistically significant predictor of competitive employment outcomes, however, in this study those consumers with lesser vision loss where more likely to be competitively employed. On the other hand, the study of Cavenaugh et al (2006) showed that the severity of the disability was the strongest predictor of acceptance for VR services.
The results of the study conducted by Warren-Peace (2009) revealed that the likelihood of obtaining competitive employment after receiving services from VR was greater for those consumers who were legally blind without a secondary disability; were male; African American, Hispanic, or Multiple race/ethnicity; had a personal income as a primary source of support at application; and attained a special education certificate or college degree. As well as visual status, Darensbourg (2013) found that the variables that were the most statistically significant predictors of competitive employment outcomes for individuals with blindness or visually impairment were weekly earnings at application, source of referral (self-referral), gender (male), and not receiving Medicaid.
Besides predicting competitive employment, some of the factors mentioned so far also predicted higher earnings. For consumers with visual impairments who were competitively employed through the state-federal VR system during Fiscal Year 1997, Capella (2001) concluded that age, educational level, and case expenditures were some of the factors accounting for differences in earnings. Of these three, age was the most significant predictor; clients with visual impairments that were older tended to receive lower earnings. Education also had impact on earnings, since the higher the level of education, the higher the earnings. Finally, some of the variance in earnings was explained by case expenditures, whereby the greater amount of money that was spent on a case, the higher the earnings at closure was for consumers.
An additional factor that seemed to have a significant impact on employment outcomes and earnings for individuals who were blind and VI was the type of agency (separated or combined/general) that served these clients. Cavenaugh, Giesen, and Pierce (2000) concluded that the mean earnings at closure of legally blind consumers were significantly higher in separate agencies than in combined agencies. In addition, Warren-Peace (2009) found that the type of agency seemed to be a relevant predictor of competitive employment outcomes. Those consumers who received services from a separate agency for the blind had more chances to be closed in an integrated work setting. Capella (2001), however, found that the type of agency that served these clients was not a significant factor impacting on earnings.
From a different perspective, Golub (2006) studied the factors that contributed to successful work experiences for employees from the perspective of their employers. This study revealed that, according to the employers, important factors included employee being comfortable with his/her disability, being an ambassador for blindness by eliminating awkwardness in relationships, and insisting on being held to the same standard as his/her coworkers. In addition, this study found that the key to success for employees was skills of blindness. He/she should possess updated O&M, Braille and assistive technology skills, and a variety of strategies to cope in case a system fails. Furthermore, during interviews candidates should demonstrate their competence and have specific ideas for how to manage the details of the work and transportation challenges.
The literature also accounts for studies that have analyzed those factors that are considered barriers for employment. Crudden and McBroom (1999) for example, found that attitudes of employers and the general public, transportation problems, and a lack of access to print, adaptive equipment, and accommodations were the most relevant. Visual status also seemed to play a role when analyzing barriers to employment since individuals who were partially sighted had more issues with transportation than those who were totally blind. Those who were blind as opposed to VI, however, had more problems with the skills or attitudes of rehabilitation counselors or placement staff. When asked about the most important thing the rehabilitation counselor did to help the participants to find employment, they mentioned help in locating jobs, arranging interviews, and providing job references; provision of education and training or equipment; and provision of counseling and emotional support. However, of the total sample, only 39% of the participants believed that VR services helped them to obtain their jobs. The rest of them believed that rehabilitation services helped them to improve their performances, that the services made them more competitive with those nondisabled workers, and that the services helped them to maintain their jobs.
Finally, Bell (2010) offers one of the most current analyses on the competitive employment rates for VR consumers who were legally blind. Results from fiscal year 1997 to 2007 (obtained by using the RSA-911 data system) showed an average employ­ment rate of 31.79%, which was significantly higher than the 25.1% reported by Cavenaugh (1999) based on data from FY 1995. In fact, the Competitive Consumer Rates have shown a steady climb from 27% in 1997 up to a high of 37% in 2007. In addition, earnings of consumers had also increased. Some of the factors that seemed to impact employment outcomes were gender, race, education, and veteran status. Results demonstrated that men earned $0.63 more an hour than women in 1997, and this increased by 2007 to a $0.86 difference on average. In addition, while the average spread between earnings was about $6.00 in 1997, the variability in earnings had increased to nearly $12 for men but only $8 for women. On the other hand, Native Americans had less employment in 1997 than the other racial groups, and this group remained substantially behind by 2007. Asian/Pacific Islanders earned the highest average wages and Black/African Americans earned the lowest average hourly rates. Those with a master’s degree or higher had almost a 40% greater chance of being employed and had $4.00 an hour more in earnings than did individuals with less than a high school degree. In addition, American veterans were underrepresented in the RSA-911 data system, and where they were identified the rates of employment were 19%.
White cane for mobility. When analyzing the impact of using a cane and having received O&M training on employment outcomes, this factor appears to be important when obtaining a job in higher level positions (Leonard et al 1999). In addition, from the perspective of employers, having O&M skills was a factor that contributed to successful work experiences for employees (Golub, 2006). In his literature review, Miller (2002) addresses the important role that both O&M instructors and rehabilitation teachers have as employment resources. They not only provide the training that leads to employment but since they spend more time with the consumers than the counselor in a community-based setting, they have the chance to explore a consumer’s vocational interests and complement the rehabilitation counselor’s job.
As it is well known in the field of O&M, there are two main philosophical approaches that outline two different training methods: the conventional approach and the alternative approach or Structured Discovery Cane Travel (SDCT) (Omvig, 2005). SDCT instructional service offers to individuals who are blind or VI the opportunity to learn independence and build self-confidence in a meaningful and permanent approach. SDCT is rooted on non-visual techniques, problem- solving skills, and confidence-building learning experiences (National Blindness Professional Certification Board, 2012). It is based on experiential learning and it remains neutral regarding the instructor’s perceptual experience, transferring the focus on the instructor’s vision to the cognitive processes that are involved in an orientation and mobility lesson. The success of cane travel depends upon the way in which the student is able to cognitively process the information (Mettler, 2008). SDCT also applies principles of the Socratic questioning, (i.e., the asking of strategic questions to guide the learner in solving the problem autonomously), and strongly relies on the role modeling of non-visual techniques, which encourages the discrediting of public misconceptions about blindness (National Blindness Professional Certification Board, 2012).
The literature is not extensive about the effectiveness of the different types of O&M training that those individuals who are blind or VI receive and their impact on employment outcomes. However, in his study, Aditya (2004) made an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of the SDCT approach. The author hypothesized that because of the philosophical and methodological differences between the conventional and alternative approaches related to functional independence, individuals trained in the alternative approach will score higher on a measure of functional independence than those trained in the conventional approach. In this survey the data about the method of training was not directly obtained, however, it was replaced by examining the variable of cane size, given that the “NFB” canes are employed almost exclusively in the alternative approach, while the shorter, folding, aluminum or graphite canes are predominately utilized in conventional programs. Therefore, the item of cane size was recoded into a dichotomous variable to reflect the two training approaches. The descriptive statistics revealed that the differences were in the expected direction. The within-group variances between those who were trained in the alternative approach and those who were trained in the conventional approach were noticeably different. Aditya (2004) reported that individuals who were trained with a long, white cane had significantly higher ability and activity in matters of independent living.
Braille. One of the most cited studies in the field conducted by Ryles (1996) revealed that reading Braille was one main skill that predicted, for congenitally legally blind adults, higher employment rates and higher education levels than reading print as original medium. The main results showed that those individuals that utilized Braille as their primary reading medium had a significantly lower unemployment rate (44%) that those who utilize print as the original reading medium. The author affirmed that even though reading Braille as a primary medium did not increase an individual’s opportunities for employment, those who learned Braille when they were children and used Braille extensively as their primary reading medium, were employed at a higher rate. However, those who learned Braille after using print did not have a higher employment rate than those who never read Braille. According to Golub (2006), employers believed that possessing updated Braille skills represented an important factor that contributed to successful work experiences for their employees.
Papadopoulos and Koutsoklenis (2009) conducted a study with higher education Greek students and graduates who were VI in order to explore the use of different reading media. They found out that the most significant predictors of the frequency of use of Braille were visual status, age at the loss of sight, and training in Braille. Specifically, the frequency of use of Braille declined with the increase in the age at which sight was lost, but increased with training in Braille. The authors concluded that a well-established tendency to use technology could lead to a further decline in the frequency of Braille use in Greece. For this reason they stated that efforts should be made to enhance the use of Braille, and since in Greece the frequency of Braille use decreases with the increase in age at time of loss, they recommended the development of intensive Braille courses for people who become visually impaired at a later age.
Little agreement exists over the type, nature, intensity, structure, and model of training that is most effective (Ryles, 2008). Some training models report that the learning of Braille is a requirement for all individuals who enter the program (Mayo, Allen, & Deden, 2008) while others report that only 20% of individuals attending training elect to learn Braille (Ponchillia & Durant, 1996). It is commonly reported that 85% of adults who read Braille are employed (Ryles, 1996; Spungin, 1990), yet disagreement still rages over what constitutes best practice for the teaching of Braille.
Consumer and civic involvement. Existing literature has demonstrated the key role that family support plays in sustaining effective outcomes (Bennetts, 2003; Whelley, Radtke, R., Burgstahler, S., & Christ, T., 2003). The role of advisors, peers, and other peer-to-peer interactions has also been cited as important in the rehabilitation process (Hall & McGregor, 2000; Whelley, et al., 2003). Both formal as well as informal models of mentoring have been demonstrated as effective mediators in education, employment, and career decision making (Bell, 2012; Hall & McGregor, 2000; Marks & Feeley, 1995). Community and civic participation, such as religious affiliation, social clubs, and civic organizations, further help to support interest and engagement in employment (Nagle, 2001; Vaughn & Omvig, 2005). Finally, specifically for members of the target population, self-reports and anecdotal evidence suggest that membership in a consumer organization is an essential element in the rehabilitation process (Beck-Winchatz & Riccobono, 2008; Omvig, 2005; Phelps, 2005). However, the stories of many individuals who are blind tell of families who were over protective (Omvig, 2002), of communities that put up restrictions (Ferguson, 2001), and of support groups that promoted unemployment and dependence (Vaughn & Omvig, 2005). What research needs to accomplish is to tease out how these factors serve as facilitators rather than deterrents so that training and education can impact greater growth and evolution.
Crudden and McBroom (1999) conducted a study that demonstrated that among the reasons participants thought they were successful in overcoming barriers to employment was the importance of developing networking and mentoring opportunities. Role models appeared to be a relevant variable in maintaining motivation. They serve as examples to others and provide helpful insight on how to address some of the employment barriers. According to participants in this study, rehabilitation providers usually do not encourage mentoring opportunities or contact with role models who are visually impaired. The authors stated that referrals to consumer organizations could assist those who seek employment in generating support systems.
Even though there is a lack of empirical studies about the impact of a consumer affiliation on employment outcomes, there are sufficient testimonies of blind individuals who express the opinion that their involvement in a consumer organization changed their lives completely. Omvig (2002) stated the NFB has been a key in his life and the lives of many blind individuals. He emphasizes the importance that competent and successful blind people who are part of this organization have as positive role models. These role models are the living proof that with proper training and opportunity, blind people can live normal, successful, and meaningful lives. And this is what they pass along to the new generations.
Purpose of the study. The purpose of the current study was to capture a snapshot of the employment status of individuals who are legally blind and/or VI across the United States. Furthermore, this study sought to examine demographic factors, education, civic involvement, and rehabilitation experiences of this population in order to determine whether any state factors (i.e., those which are changeable through education or training) could be identified as contributing to the employment outcomes of these individuals.
Research Questions. The following research questions served as the guiding principles for this study.
Q1: What is the employment rate for adults who are blind/VI in a national sample, and how does this rate compare to existing research findings on the subject?
Q2: Are specific demographic factors (i.e., age, gender, racial identity, visual status) associated with greater or lesser rates of employment and wages for this population?
Q3: Can social and civic factors (i.e., civic involvement, affiliation with consumer organizations) be identified that are associated with higher rates of employment and wages for this population?
Q4: Can education and rehabilitation-related factors (i.e., college, adjustment training, etc.) be identified that are associated with increased rates of employment and wages for this population?



The participants for this survey were drawn from legally blind and VI adults of working age (i.e., 18-70 years old) from across the United States. Complete data were obtained from 1,056 individuals who were an average age of 46.47 years (SD=13.81, Range=18-87). These individuals were representative of 595 females (56.34%) and 461 males (43.66%), who were 90 African Americans (8.52%), 35 Asian Americans (3.31%), 56 Hispanics/Latinos (including Puerto Ricans) (5.30%), eight Native Americans/Alaska Natives (0.76%), four Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders (0.38%), 836 Whites or Caucasians (79.17%), and 27 who reported being of other or mixed races (2.56%).


The instruments that were used for this study included the Adult Rehabilitation and Employment Survey (ARES), which consisted of 79 variables, covering (a) general demographics including living situation; (b) VR and adjustment training experiences; (c) civic and consumer organization affiliation; (d) educational attainment; (e) employment characteristics; and (f) a request to participate in future research.


All participants first read (or were read to) an informed consent document that outlined the purpose of the study, characteristics of requested participants (i.e., blind/VI adults of working age), and a notice that their participation was completely voluntary. This study was reviewed and approved by the host university’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). Interested persons were provided two options for participation: (1) they could complete the survey online by visiting the provided URL; or (2) they were invited to contact the office of the principal investigator and have the survey read to them by a research assistant over the phone. The survey took approximately ten minutes to complete. Data were collected between March 15 and August 31, 2011.
Recruitment. The purpose of this survey was to obtain a snapshot of the cross section of rehabilitation, education, and employment situation of adults with legal blindness/visual impairment in the United States. As such, a host of methods were employed to reach individuals from a cross section of society and socioeconomic status. The invitation to participate in the survey was distributed on all available listservs of the two largest consumer organizations of the blind (i.e., the American Council of the Blind (ACB) and the National Federation of the Blind (NFB)). The invitation was sent electronically to every state-operated library for the blind in each regional office with a request to have it distributed to library patrons. The invitation was sent electronically to all fifty VR agencies who serve the blind/VI population, to the National Council of State Agencies for the Blind, and related rehabilitation membership organizations. The request for participation was sent to more than 80 rehabilitation and adjustment training facilities electronically, and more than 2,000 requests were also sent in print/Braille to those training centers that were willing to distribute the announcement. In addition, 3,000 print/Braille flyers were distributed to the participants of the 2011 annual convention of the NFB; 1,200 were distributed to the participants of the 2011 annual convention of the ACB; and 200 were distributed to the participants of the Blinded Veterans of America Conference. Requests were sent on more than ten periodic newsletters and periodical publications, were posted on Facebook and other social media outlets, and were passed on by word of mouth.



Beyond age, gender, and racial group identity, the following data were captured to provide an understanding of the make up of the sample population that comprised this study. The respondents were representative of all 50 states, with the fewest respondents being from North Dakota (n = 2) and the largest representation coming from Texas (n = 75). They self-reported being 702 individuals who are blind (66.48%) and 354 reported being visually impaired (33.52%) (See Table 1).
Table 1 – Demographics
African American, Black
Asian American, Asian
Hispanic, Latino (including Puerto Rican)
Native American, Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander
White or Caucasian

Vision Status
Visually Impaired
Data were collected on additional demographics, such as marital status, living situation, and the community of residence. The majority of participants (51%) reported that they live in their own home that they are purchasing, with the smallest proportion (2%) who reported living in a dormitory or similar institution. The largest segment of this population are currently married (45%), while just under two percent report being widowed. By far, the majority of this sample (57%) report that they do not have any children, while the next largest grouping (17%) report having two children. While others report having one, three, four or five children, less than two percent (1.5%) report having six or more children. When looking at the size of the community in which individuals reside, the majority (23%) lived in small communities of less than 25,000 residence, with the second largest concentration (22%) living in small communities of between 25,000 and 75,000. The third largest grouping of individuals resided in large cities with populations above one million, and the remainder fell into mid-size communities (See Table 2).
Table 2 – Family and Community

Living Situation
Frequency percent
Live alone and/or with others in house/condo that I own or am purchasing
Live alone and/or with others in apartment or rental property that I pay for
Live at home with parents or in someone else’s home
Live in dormitory or other institution
Share an apartment or rental property with room mates
Marital Status Frequency Percent
 Widow or widower
 With significant other person
Raising Children Frequency Percent
No, I have no children
1 child
2 children
3 children
4 children
5 children
6 or more children
Population of Your Community Frequency Percent
1-25,000 People
25,001—75,000 People
75,001—150,000 People
150,001—250,000 People
250,001—500,000 People
500,001—1,000,000 People

Vocational Rehabilitation and Education

The next set of questions was designed to gain information related to VR, and in particular, the attainment of adjustment to vision loss training. Individuals were asked whether they had an active case with their state’s VR agency. Forty-two individuals (3.98%) stated that they have never had a VR case, while 26 were unsure or did not know (2.46%). Of the remaining 94%, 577 individuals (54.64%) reported having once had a VR case, but that it is closed now, while 411 individuals (38.92%) reported they still maintain an open VR case. When asked whether or not the individual ever received adjustment to blindness training (i.e., mobility with a white cane, Braille, or daily living skills), 191 individuals (18.09%) reported that they have never received any sort of formal skill training based on visual impairment. Another 501 individuals (47.44%) reported having completed (or graduated) from either a residential or day-training program. Another 119 individuals (11.26%) stated that they attended a residential or day program, but that they did not complete their training program. Finally, 252 individuals (23.86%) reported that they attended multiple forms of training, and/or that they received training in their home or school.
While there are many forms of rehabilitation and adjustment training, this study focused only on cane and Braille. For those who did receive some sort of adjustment training, they were asked about their training/use of a white cane for mobility. There were 777 individuals who reported having been taught to use a cane. These individuals were at an average of 23.67 years of age (SD = 15.62, Range = 2—78) when they were first taught. Of the total sample, 152 stated “No, the use of a cane was not taught” (14.39%). The remaining individuals stated, “I learned a little about cane use” (n = 76, 7.20%); “I was taught using a white cane that measured between my sternum and chin” (n = 513, 48.58%); and “I was taught with a long cane that measured between my chin and nose” (n = 315, 29.83%). When respondents were asked whether they currently use a white cane for mobility, 247 stated that they did not use a cane for mobility (23.39%). Of the remaining 544 individuals, (51.52%) stated that they use a cane all of the time, and 265 individuals (25.09%) reported using a cane some of the time. When asked about the size and structure of the cane that is preferred for current use, 334 individuals (39.57%) said, “A folding cane, that is lower than my chin in height;” 171 individuals (20.26%) said, “A folding or telescoping cane that is above my chin in height;” 249 individuals (29.50%) said, “A rigid cane that is above my chin in height;” 40 individuals (4.74%) said, “A rigid cane, that is lower than my chin in height;” and 50 individuals (5.92%) stated that they used another type of cane/mobility device.
Similarly, participants were asked about their training/use of Braille. There were 674 individuals who reported being taught Braille at an average of 18.32 years of age (SD = 15.54, Range = 3—78). Of the entire sample, 765 stated that they were taught Braille (72.44%), while 291 reported that they had not been taught Braille (27.56%). When these participants were asked whether or not they currently read Braille on a daily or weekly basis, 613 stated that they currently read Braille (58.05%), and 443 stated that they do not currently read Braille (41.95%).
With respect to participant education, respondents were asked about their educational standing before they received any rehabilitation training, and then again after the receipt of any vocational training. Table 3 provides a side by side comparison of the number and percentage of individuals by educational level before and after rehabilitation training. As can be seen from the table, a majority of individuals significantly increased their educational attainment, from pre to post training. When respondents were asked whether they attributed their rehabilitation training to their advances in education, 141 individuals (13.45%) stated that they did not attend rehabilitation and adjustment training. Of the remaining, 201 individuals (19.03%) stated that their rehabilitation did not help them to increase their educational attainment, while another 282 individuals (26.70%) were not sure. This meant that 432 individuals (40.1%) of respondents felt that their rehabilitation training was either somewhat helpful, or was instrumental in their ability to increase in their educational attainment.
Table 3 -- Education

Before VR
After VR
Less than High School
Less than High School
High School diploma/GED
High School diploma/GED
Some college, but no degree
Some college, but no degree
Associates Degree/AA
Associates Degree/AA
Vocational or Trade school
Vocational or Trade school
Bachelor’s/undergraduate degree
Bachelor’s/undergraduate degree
Master’s/Graduate Degree
Master’s/Graduate Degree
Law Degree
Law Degree
Doctorate degree/post graduate training
Doctorate degree/post graduate training
Not sure or
Not applicable
Not sure or
Not applicable
Pre Training
Post Training

Consumer and Civic Involvement

Individuals were asked whether they participated in any consumer organizations of the blind. There were 226 individuals (21.40%) who affiliated with the (ACB); 49 individuals (4.64%) who affiliated with both the ACB and NFB; 457 individuals (43.28%) who associated with the NFB; and 324 individuals (30.68%) who are not members of any consumer organization. In attempting to determine the level or extent of consumer organizational affiliation, 330 individuals (31.25%) reiterated that they do not participate in consumer organizations; 397 individuals (37.59%) stated that they are members, but hold no leadership positions; 253 individuals (23.96%) reported holding local or state leadership positions; 12 individuals (1.14%) claimed national leadership positions; and 64 individuals (6.06%) stated that they hold several positions at the local, state, and/or national level.
Information was also sought with respect to the frequency with which participants participated in other community and/or civic activities in their local communities. All individuals participated in at least one extracurricular event, and a large number participated in a number of different activities. Of the sample, 541 individuals (51.23%) stated that they participate in their local church, synagogue, or place of worship. As many as 185 individuals (17.51%) reported holding leadership positions within their church. One-hundred ninety-four individuals (18.37%) participate in music or theatre; 111 individuals (10.51%) compete on local sports or athletic teams; 114 individuals (10.79%) are members of Kiwanis, Rotary, or other business groups; and 200 individuals (18.93%) participate in political and/or other civic groups.


One of the major factors under consideration in this study was the employment situation of the population of adults who are blind/VI, and specifically, what role, if any, VR plays in changing this situation. As can be seen from Table 4, 512 individuals (48.48%) were unemployed prior to receiving VR services, while only 192 individuals (18.18%) were employed full time. Conversely, after individuals received VR services, the majority of persons, 393 (37.22%), were employed full-time, compared to 307 individuals (29.07%) who remained unemployed, in addition to a 5.3% increase in the number of individuals who were working part-time. Of the 535 individuals who were working either full- or part-time at the completion of this survey, 406 individuals provided data on their annual salaries. For these individuals, the average annual salary was $40,134.12 (SD = $27,129.74, Range = $2,401.92--$180,000), with a median annual salary of $35,000.
Table 4 – Employment Status

Before VR
Frequency Percentage After VR Frequency Percentage
Full-time employed
Part-time employed
Full-time college or vocational student
Full-Time College
Volunteer part- or full-time
Vol. F-P
Full-time Homemaker
Retired from previous employment
N/A, I never had a VR case before

Information was also collected with respect to the availability of fringe benefits through the place of employment. The participants reported that 361 individuals (66.85%) had the availability of medical insurance through their place of work. In addition, 338 individuals (62.59%) reported having dental insurance available to them, and 332 individuals (61.48%) reported having retirement benefits/planning available to them through their work.

Factors that Impact on Employment

The preceding data are helpful in drawing a picture of the general demographic, rehabilitation, educational, and employment characteristics of the working-age population of individuals who are blind. With only 37% of the population reporting full-time employment, it is important to examine the demographic, rehabilitation, and educational characteristics of this sample to determine the factors that seem to make an impact on the attainment of employment. The demographic and descriptive data that have been presented so far are representative of the entire sample. During the analysis of the VR data, the first question identified that 475 individuals (45.36%) of the sample either still have an open VR case, or else they did not know what their VR status was. Consequently, 577 individuals (54.64%) of the sample reported that they did receive VR services, but that their VR case has now been closed. It is this portion of the sample whose data should be most descriptive of the employment situation of individuals post-rehabilitation, and therefore, the remaining analysis will be confined to the 577 individuals who have already received VR services and who should most likely be available for participation in the workforce.
Demographic factors. The participant’s age, gender, racial/ethnic classification, and visual impairment characteristics were examined to determine to what effect each has on the attainment of employment. The data demonstrated that there was no correlation between the age of the consumer and the likelihood of being competitively employed; nor was there a relationship between age and the annual earnings of participants.
Participants were asked to classify themselves as being either blind or VI. This information was sought based on a perception that those with lesser vision may be less employable and consequently at a greater risk for unemployment. The data demonstrated no significant difference based on this classification (F(1, 576) = 1.55, p = .21, RS.0). Those who described themselves as “blind” were employed at a rate of 54%, while those who classified themselves as “visually impaired” were employed at a rate of 49%. While a difference does exist based on annual earnings for these two groups, the results were non-significant (F(1, 294) = 3.28, p = .07, RS = .01).; with blind individuals earning $44,000 on average and visually impaired earning $37,623. With respect to gender, the data demonstrated no significant differences between men and women on the percentage of those who were employed (54% and 51% respectively); however, there was a significant difference in the annual earnings based on gender (F(1, 294) = 10.45, p < .01, RS = .03), with men earning an average of $47,424 and females earning $37,483 annually. Next, the participant’s self-reported racial/ethnic background was examined, and no significant differences were found in either the percentage of employment or annual earnings.
Does participation in a national consumer organization of the blind/VI help such individuals with their employment prospects? Data demonstrated that a significant difference did exist (F(2, 576) = 5.99, p < .01, RS = .02), with those individuals who participate in the ACB being employed at a rate of 42%, those who participate in the NFB being employed at a rate of 59%, and those who reported no participation in a consumer organization for the blind being employed at a rate of 49%. Similarly, a significant difference exists based on annual income (F(2, 294) = 3.80, p = .02, RS = .02), with ACB members earning an average annual wage of $37,100; NFB members earning $46,200; and those who do not affiliate with either organization earning $38,200.
Training factors. Beyond those characteristics of participants that are trait factors (i.e., demographics), it was next important to evaluate the impact of the state factors that were examined (i.e., education and rehabilitation training). Previous studies (Bell, 2010) demonstrated that the attainment of college education is a leading factor in increasing employment and so it was examined for its impact in this study. Although myriad forms of rehabilitation training exist, this study focused primarily on the provision of adjustment skills training through comprehensive residential and day training programs. Specific data were also obtained with respect to the use of the white cane and Braille, as these are the most readily identifiable tools used by individuals who are blind or VI.
The data demonstrate that a significant difference exists between the employment status of participants based on the level of education that had been attained (F(4, 576 = 13.09, p < .01, RS = .08). Further analysis showed that those who had a high school diploma or less, or who attended only some college were employed at a rate of 36%; those who had earned a baccalaureate degree were employed at a rate of 59%; those having earned a master’s degree were employed at a rate of 65%; and those with a law or doctoral degree were employed at a rate of 80%. Similarly, significant differences exist with respect to the annual earnings of these individuals (F(4, 296) = 12.23, p < .01, RS = .14). These differences were represented by those holding a high school diploma or less earning an average annual salary of $31,500; those holding a baccalaureate degree earning $42,300; those holding a master’s degree earning $48,200; and those with a law or doctoral degree earning $66,900 annually.
When participants were asked whether they had completed training at any sort of day-time or residential program, the sample was split almost in half between those who had, and who had not completed training. The data demonstrated that the mere fact of receiving training versus not receiving training had no impact on employment outcomes (F(1, 576) = 0.24, p =.62, RS = 0). Upon further analysis, a more interesting trend was discovered. The data demonstrated a significant difference based on the method or type of training that was received (F(2, 576) = 3.78, p = .02, RS = .01). The data demonstrated that those individuals who completed training at a Structured Discovery-based training center were employed at a rate of 60%; those who completed training at a traditional or conventional training facility were employed at a rate of 47%; and those who either received training at home, or who received no formal skills training were employed at a rate of 56%. When the annualized salary of these individuals was examined, the data again showed significant differences (F(2, 294) = 3.98, p = .01, RS = .02). The same trend continued, with those who received their rehabilitation at a Structured Discovery-based program earning an average of $49,302; those who received their training at conventional centers earned an average of $38,170; and those who were trained at home or had no formal training earned an average of $42,753.
Another factor that was examined in this study was recidivism (i.e., the returning for training multiple times). As has been noted in the literature, there is concern that the need for constant retraining—for example, when more vision diminishes--has a negative impact on employment. It is for this reason that Structured Discovery-based training centers endeavor to provide comprehensive training during one concentrated period of time. The data do in fact support the notion that those who return for training multiple times have significantly less employment than those who only obtain training a single time (F(3, 384) = 2.80, p = .04, RS = .02), with those who obtained training one time being employed at a rate of 57% and those receiving training 4 or more times being employed at a rate of 35%. The same trend exists with respect to salary (F(3, 193) = 2.81, p = .04, RS = .04), with those who attended training one time earning $46,766, and those obtaining training four or more times earning $33,275.
More specifically, this research was interested in several specific training variables and their impact on employment. The data demonstrated that 87% of participants have been taught to use a long white cane for mobility; however, only 54% of respondents report currently using a white cane for daily mobility. When these data were evaluated for their impact on employment, the data demonstrated that individuals who currently use a white cane for mobility are employed at a significantly higher rate than those who do not (F(1, 576) = 3.73, p = .05, RS = .006), with cane users being employed at a rate of 57% and those who do not use a cane being employed at a rate of 49%. The data were similarly significant with respect to the annual income of cane users (F(1, 294) = 4.77, p = .02, RS = .01), with cane users earning an average of $45,329, and non-cane users earning an average of $38,478. Stemming from the findings of Aditya (2004), the data were next analyzed to see if the type of cane used was related to employment outcomes. The data demonstrated a significant difference (F(2, 465) = 9.52, p < .01, RS = .03), with those who use a rigid cane that comes above the chin in height being employed at a rate of 66%, those who use a folding or rigid cane that is below the chin in height being employed at a rate of 47%, and those who either use an “other” device or no cane at all being employed at a rate of 34%. Similarly, the data demonstrated a significant difference in the annual earnings (F(2, 241) = 6.92, p < .01, RS = .05), with longer white cane users earning approximately $50,000, short/folding cane users earning $37,000, and other/no cane earning $49,000.
The same data were next analyzed to determine whether the use of Braille had an impact on the employment status of this population. Similar to cane use, 75% of the participants were taught Braille at some time during their education or rehabilitation, but only 63% reported still using Braille on a daily basis. Are Braille readers employed at a higher rate than VI individuals who do not read Braille? The data demonstrate that the answer to this question is yes (F(1, 576) = 11.32, p < .01, RS = .02), with Braille readers being employed at a rate of 58% and those who do not read Braille being employed at a rate of 44%. With respect to annualized salary, the data are even more significant (F(1, 294) = 11.40, p < .01, RS = .03), with Braille readers earning an average of $45,947, and non-Braille readers earning an average of $34,826. With more than an $11,000 difference in annualized salary, there appears to be a substantial impact that Braille has on employment and salary.
Taken individually, each of these factors demonstrates a significant impact (or association) with greater or lesser rates of employment. By combining the most salient factors together, the results show even more substantial differences in employment outcomes. Individuals who complete training at a Structured Discovery type of training center, continue to read Braille on a daily or weekly basis, use a white cane for mobility, and affiliate with the NFB are employed at a rate of 75%, earning an annualized salary of $53,600. Conversely, those individuals who received training at a conventional program or had no formal training, who affiliated with the ACB or no consumer organization, and who do not use a white cane or Braille are employed at a rate of 44%, earning $36,000 annually.


The rates of employment for individuals who are legally blind/VI in the United States have been low for decades. The purpose of this study was to describe the current employment status of these individuals and to analyze its consistency with federal reports and previous research. In addition, the study sought to examine demographic factors, education, civic involvement, and rehabilitation experiences of this population in order to determine whether some of them could be identified as contributing to the employment outcomes.
The contributions of this study are quite revealing and reliable since this work represents the largest field-based study in the field of rehabilitation for blind and VI individuals, with a national sample of 1,056 participants. Although this study highlighted a great deal of demographic, education, and rehabilitation factors that impact on employment, the following were found to be the most salient:
  • The data show that 37% of working-age adults who are blind/VI are employed full-time earning a median salary of $35,000—a strikingly similar finding to the federal rehabilitation and labor findings for this population. This finding is also similar to those of existing research (Bell, 2010; Warren-Peace, 2009), putting in evidence that there has not been a change in the employment rate in the last years.
  • Of these 37% employed individuals , approximately 67% have access to medical insurance through their work, 63% have access to dental insurance, and 61% have the availability of retirement planning.
  • Although men and women who are blind/VI are employed at roughly equivalent rates, a gender gap still exists with men earning on average $10,000 more annually than women. These findings are consistent with those of previous research (Bell, 2010; Darensbourg, 2013; Randolph, 2004; Warren-Peace, 2009).
  • No significant difference was identified within the rates of employment or earnings based on other demographic characteristics, such as age, race/ethnicity, or visual impairment classification.
  • Those individuals who affiliate with the NFB in this study were employed at a rate of 59%, earning $46,200; whereas, those who affiliate with the ACB were employed at a rate of 42%, earning $37,000. Those who chose not to affiliate with either organization tended to fare better than ACB members, but less well than NFB members.
  • As has been demonstrated in previous research, educational attainment was a significant factor in the employment of this population, with those having graduate-level education being employed at more than twice the rate of those with only a high school diploma, and a more than $35,000 difference in annualized earnings.
  • Obtaining comprehensive adjustment training was also positively related to employment outcomes, with those being trained at Structured Discovery-based programs being employed at a rate of 60%, earning $49,300 in comparison to those trained at conventionally-based programs, who were employed at a rate of 47%, earning $38,100. These results confirm those of Aditya (2004).
  • Recidivism (i.e., the returning for retraining multiple times), was found to be negatively related to employment, with those who receive training four or more times being employed at a rate of 35% in comparison to those who seek training only once being employed at 57%, and those same individuals earning $13,000 less than those who were trained a single time.
  • The findings showed that those who use a white cane for daily mobility are employed at a significantly higher rate and earn a significantly greater annualized salary than those who no longer do.
  • Those who read Braille on a daily or weekly basis are employed at a significantly higher rate than those who do not, and Braille readers also earn on average $11,000 more than non-Braille readers.
  • In combination, the data indicate that individuals who complete training at a Structured Discovery program, who affiliate with the NFB, use a cane for daily mobility, and read Braille are employed at a rate of 75%, earning $53,000 annually.
  • In contrast, those who were conventionally trained or not trained, who either affiliate with ACB or no one, and who neither use a cane or read Braille are employed at only a rate of 44%, earning only $36,000 annually.


The employment rate for individuals who are blind or VI remains extremely low in the United States. The findings of this study may help consumers and professionals in the field of blindness to pinpoint and work on those factors that influence the acquisition of competitive employment and higher earnings in their particular cases. Education and training seem to be two of the main central factors to have a significant influence. It is extremely important for consumers and professionals, especially in the VR field, to acknowledge the benefits of this type of training. Consumers should become aware of these data about Structured Discovery training in order to be able to make an authentic informed choice about their rehabilitation plan. Of the data obtained through this study, consumers and practitioners should know that:
  • Age, gender, racial identity, and degree of visual impairment need not impede one’s ability to obtain employment.
  • Education, especially higher education, seems to make a positive difference in the chances of being employed and the amount of money that one can earn.
  • Knowing positive role models who are themselves blind appears to be important in the pursuit of education, training, and employment.
  • Using a white cane to assist in daily mobility is probably a good idea.
  • Knowing and using Braille for reading on a regular basis makes good sense.
  • Obtaining comprehensive training up front seems better than getting it piecemeal over time in shorter segments.


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Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., CRC, NOMC
Director, Professional Development and Research
Institute on Blindness
Louisiana Tech University
210 Woodard Hall
PO Box 3158
Ruston LA  71272
Office: 318.257.4554
Fax: 318.257.2259 (Fax)
Skype: edwardbell2010
"I am somehow less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops."
-- Stephen Jay Gould

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Audio-based virtual gaming aims to help the blind navigate

Using only audio-based cues within the context of a video game metaphor, blind users in a study out of Harvard are able to explore a building's layout.
(Credit: Journal of Visualized Experiments)
A video game that uses audio cues and computer-generated building layouts has proven to be better at improving a blind person's spatial awareness of that place than does actually walking them through it, according to new research out of Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.
The findings could have implications for how visually impaired people -- and possibly those without impairments -- best learn to navigate unknown territory.
"It is a tool to build a map of a place you have never been to before," Lotfi Merabet, the neuroscientist whose team developed the software used in the study (which appears in the Journal of Visualized Experiments), told Reuters. "The video game not only allows you to build a map in your mind, it allows you to interact with it mentally in a way that you wouldn't be able to if you were taught explicitly by walking through it."
Read more on this article at: Audio-based virtual gaming aims to help the blind navigate

Thursday, March 14, 2013

PenFriend Voice Labeling System

A new voice labeling system by RNIB that allows users to easily record, and re-record, information onto self-adhesive labels. This small pen shaped recorder provides easy recognition sound and just four buttons in a simple identifiable pattern. Instantly play back the recordings - no computer required. Use the PenFriend to label food items, including freezer food and even add cooking instructions, film and music collections, organize household paperwork, record shopping lists or leave audio messages. Clothing that is dry cleaned can even be labeled. The PenFriend can also be used as a portable notetaker. You can record your message and keep track of it by placing the allocated label in a small notebook or in your diary. This device is great for students as well as home use!

Find out more at: Pen Friend

Thursday, March 7, 2013

iDevice Apps for Visually Impaired

iDevice Apps for Visually Impaired
This information was taken from Applevis.com.  I have not looked up the price for any of these apps.  Please let me know if you try any of these and how they work. 
Color ID Free
Color Identifier
Color Reader
Say Color

GPS or Navigation aids
AbleRoad, rate and review accessible places.
Ariadne GPS
Sendero GPS LookAround

Bar Code or Label Readers
LookTel Recognizer

News and Radio
Earl, Use your voice to open and read newspapers
iBlink Radio
VIP Radio

Deaf/blind Communicators
Humanware Communicator

Scanning and Reading
Money Identifier
Eyenote, identifies U.S. currency only
LookTel Money Reader

Book Readers
DaisyWorm, does not support Bookshare or NeNIMAS files.
InDaisy, Supports Bookshare and Newsline
Learning Ally, must have annual subscription to Learning Ally
Pastime Audio Book Player, reads books in iTunes
Low Vision
Many of these are magnifiers so work best on an iPad.
Big Browser
Essentials, allows you to see your statusbar
Eyesight, for iPad
Lumin, magnifying glass
Optelec Magnifier, does not appear to work on iPad
Photogenda Mini, easy way to see and handle contacts

Input Aids
AccessNote, AFB Notetaker
Braille Sonar, allows for look-up of braille symbols
BrailleTouch, enter information in uncontracted Braille
Braillist, Braille keyboard for your phone
Fleksy, predictive text input method

AccessWorld, read AFB Access World
Blind Bargains, check things listed on Blindbargains.com
Light Detector, transforms light into sound
Looktel VoiceOver Tutorial, helps new users practice VoiceOver gestures
Talking Calculator or Talking Scientific Calculator
ViA, helps blind and visually impaired people find apps specially designed for them or very helpful apps.
VO Calender
VO Starter, program designed to offer training on VoiceOver features.
Voicebook VO, allows for basic facebook functionality.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Apex Braille Note-pair with ipad and write and edit in iA Writer

Learn the trick to pairing the Braille Note Apex to an ipad or iphone
Then how to use the bypass key to get to where you need to be
Next, work in and edit in iA Writer, a great writing processor for any itool
Finally, finish the work and email it off to whomever requires it
Fast and easy, this audio/visual lesson with written detail embedded will get you moving

Download an audio/visual lesson today att: How to pair the braille note with ipad or other itool and use Notes

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blind maps for iPhone - interactive braille interface with iPhone

In a 36 hour project for the CIID, designers andrew spitzmarkus schmeiduch and ruben van der vleuten
have developed an assisting device for the visually impaired to help improve their abilities in discovering
and navigating new routes throughout cities. known as 'blind maps', the braille-like interface provides
users an interactive experience with real time auditory feedback and tactile integration. it allows you
to become aware of upcoming intersections, turns and hazards on route - helping them adapt to
unfamiliar environments.

Find out more at: Blind Maps

World's First Handheld Talking Graphing Calculator for the Blind

Coming for the fall 2013 school year: A specially adapted version of the Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus calculator will transform STEM education for students who are blind and visually impaired

Read all about it at: World's First Handheld Talking Graphing Calculator for the Blind

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to Get Prayers Answered and/or Why Prayers Do Not Get Answered

For less than a cup of coffee, get inspired for the rest of your life with a great read.

Do you ever wonder why your prayers are not being answered? Then wonder why others are being answered? This book will give real life examples of why our prayers are hindered and what we must do to unlock prayers powers. You will walk through a fire literally and learn how to come out the other end. Listen to a very powerful story that will change how you view prayer and potentially change your life. Learn what you must do in your own life to enable prayer power.

Order your e-copy today:
 How to Get Prayers Answered and/or Why Prayers Do Not Get Answered

or order from Amazon at: Get Prayers Answered for your Kindle

The book is also available from Amazon at: Get Prayers Answered

Except from book:

Picture: Fire surrounding and burning everything

Prayer lesson: Pray and don’t stop praying--do what you do not want to do if God told you to do it

 Our part time neighbors, Donna and Todd, who lived on top of the mountain, were watching the fire through their cameras safely back home in North Bend. I know they started to pray too.  By the time Lynnette had reached me, Curt was racing toward our house to get her so they could pull their horses out of their burning barns. By the time they had driven off, we were surrounded, with 50 foot+ flames all the way up the trees. The fire was still about an acre away as I was still “TELLING” God my prayer and what HE needed to do for ME. “Please stop the fire” Don’t let it come close to me,” “Don’t let it jump the road.” Wow, what an ego centered prayer. But that is what we do----we pray, me me my me what about what happens to me prayers. As I realized that was NOT the prayer I was supposed to be demanding of God. I stopped talking and started listening. I asked, “God what do you want me to do?” Here is what HE TOLD me. “Get on your shoes! Get out on that tractor and start driving over the fire and put it out! I have prepared you for this.” That is NOT the prayer or answer I wanted to hear.
Prayer Lesson: Stop talking and telling God what to do as your prayers. Ask, “What should I do?”--- Then Listen.  How many of us do not have answered prayers because God told us something hard to do and we did not do it. We have to do what we can first THEN God does what we cannot do. We have to do the hard stuff first on our own, our own free will. If we did not listen then, afterward, we say “Why, God, why did you not answer my prayer” It was our own fault the prayer was not answered—we did NOT do what HE told us to first…LISTEN…then do it! God is telling us what to do all the time. If we are talking, we are NOT listening. Get quiet and listen.

I can tell you. Go fight the fire was  NOT NOT NOT the prayer answer I wanted to hear, but I said OK. If HE was guiding me, HE would be with me. But I could not tell it……yet….. I was shaking so hard I could barely move. I was so riveted on the flames outside my north front window and so stuck with fear I could barely breathe and God tapped me on the shoulder and said “Turn around”. As I turned around to look through the south facing window it was filled with flames an acre away too, zooming up toward my place faster than my own thoughts. It seemed I was moving in slow motion toward my shoes. That is what HE told me to do. Get ON my shoes. I did it. HE said, walk toward my tractor. My legs were noodles, limp and weak; I thought I would fall down. My breath was rapid, smoke filled my lungs, sweat poured down me; the air was acrid and it hurt. I grabbed my legs and willed them forward. It took everything inside me to will myself forward toward that tractor. The flames, fire and smoke had rapidly moved and closed in that acre and now were yards from the buildings, me, my animals, all that I loved.

Are you doing what God told you to do? Here is how you do it

Watch Video at: Diary of Destruction-Fire 2012

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Braille Note-use the calculator and auto insert answers into Processor

Learn how to create a document, insert, date and answers from your scientific calculator.
Learn how to jump around your Braille Note quickly with 1 command, jumping from your calculator, completing addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and to the power of problems, then jump back into your processor where you left off to quickly insert the whole problem. Math is done quickly and efficiently.

Learn these quick modes also with the lesson: Math on Apex and insert answers automatically into Word

Learn about the Braille Note with extensive lessons at: Braille Note at: Braille Note Lessons to take you through the Basics to more advanced skills

Friday, February 22, 2013

How to pair the braille note with ipad or other itool and use Notes

Learn how easy it is to pair the Apex Braille Note with and iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, giving great braille feedback to the iTool user.

Learn how to bypass Apex commands to utilize the iPad commands, use Notes and email a lesson to a teacher.

Download an audio/visual lesson today at: How to pair the braille note with ipad or other itool and use Notes

or a text lesson at: Connect or pair the Apex-Braille Note to an iPad using Bluetooth

or extensive lessons on the Braille Note at: Braille Note Lessons to take you through the Basics to more advanced skills

Over a Thousand books in Braille

Free Sample Books on Request

Over 1000 Children's Books in Braille!

Search through our webpage at: Children's books in braille

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dr Robinson teaches a Virtual Lesson on Spanish with talking software in Word

Blindness does not stop learning. Nick is learning how to type out Spanish words, listen to a Spanish real speak voice from JAWS, then email his lessons to his teachers for a grade. He will get back his work in email and listening to the corrections through the use of track changes. Independence is possible in all areas of education for the blind.

Watch Video at: Dr Robinson teaches a Virtual Lesson on Spanish with talking software in Word

More Lessons at: www.yourtechvision.com

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Access Science for ALL

Chemist Dr Cary Supalo, who is himself blind, has a web-based site called Independence Science which is dedicated to making Science, and specifically Chemistry, accessible to students who are blind or visually impaired.

The Talking LabQuest (TLQ) is the latest in scientific access technology for the blind and the only device developed to improve hands-on experiments in the laboratory. This hand-held, portable computer allows a student to collect and analyze data independently or within a lab group of their sighted peers. Open a world of opportunity for a student who is blind or low vision in STEM fields of study with the ISci Lab Solution. Hear or view this video below for an overview of how the TLQ feels, operates, and completes an experiment.

Go to Independence Science

Monday, February 18, 2013

What and Who are Sighted People?

People who use their eyes to receive information about the world are called sighted people or "people who are sighted."

Sighted people enjoy rich full lives, working, playing and raising
families. They run businesses, hold public office and teach your

People who are
sighted may walk or ride public transportation, but most choose to
travel long distances by operating their own motor vehicles. They have
gone through many hours of training to learn the "rules of the road" in
order to further their independence. Once that road to freedom has been
mastered, sighted people earn a legal classification and a "Driver's
License" which allows them to operate a private vehicle safely and

people are accustomed to viewing the world in visual terms. This means
that in many situations, they will not be able to communicate orally and
may resort to pointing or other gesturing. Subtle facial expressions
may also be used to convey feelings in social situations. Calmly alert
the sighted person to his surroundings by speaking slowly, in a normal
tone of voice.

Questions directed at the sighted person help focus attention back on the verbal rather than visual communication.

At times, sighted people may need help finding things, especially when
operating a motor vehicle. Your advance knowledge of routes and
landmarks, particularly bumps in the road, turns and traffic lights,
will assist the "driver" in finding the way quickly and easily. Your
knowledge of building layouts can also assist the sighted person in
navigating complex shopping malls and offices. Sighted people tend to be
very proud and will not ask directly for assistance. Be gentle yet

The person who
is sighted relies exclusively on visual information. His or her
attention span fades quickly when reading long texts. Computer
information is presented in a "Graphical User Interface" or GUI.
Coordination of hands and eyes is often a problem for sighted people, so
the computer mouse, a handy device that slides along the desk top,
saves confusing keystrokes. With one button, the sighted person can move
around his or her computer screen quickly and easily. People who are
sighted are not accustomed to synthetic speech and may have great
difficulty understanding even the clearest synthesizer. Be patient and
prepared to explain many times how your computer equipment works.


Sighted people read through a system called "Print." this is a series
of images drawn in a two dimensional plain. People who are sighted
generally have a poorly developed sense of touch. Braille is completely
foreign to the sighted person and he or she will take longer to learn
the code and be severely limited by his or her existing visual senses.
Sighted people cannot function well in low lighting conditions and are
generally completely helpless in total darkness. their homes are usually
very brightly lit at great expense, as are businesses that cater to the
sighted consumer.


People who are sighted do not want your charity. They want to live, work
and play along with you. The best thing you can do to support sighted
people in your community is to open yourself to their world. These
people are vital contributing members to society. Take a sighted person
to lunch today!

Be nice to them, Some of my best friends are sighted people.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Online Games for the Blind

Card Games, audio games, accessible games for blind people. Here are a couple great sites to give you the edge in playing with others around the world online.
Go to:
Welcome at AudioGames.net!
Blind Gamers

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

See your computer screen better when you have low vision

There are many ways to adapt your computer to see everything better and these features are already built into a PC.
High contrast and enlarging icons and font are just a few great options to "see" better. There are many many more ways and lessons are at www.yourtechvision.com under the Low Vision Tab

Watch Youtube video at: Low Vision PC tricks

Android Access for the Blind

Welcome to Android Access, your portal to information on accessible Android apps and programs for the blind and visually impaired. We're excited to be a part of the Android community, and look forward to your comments, feedback, and submissions. If you're new to Android, check out our Getting Started page. Keep up to date with the latest reviews and news by following @AndroidAccess on Twitter.
For all those Apps you are looking for that are accessible for the blind, this is the page to go to: Android APPS

How can you program if you're blind? Answered Here

For all those people who are blind and have a great desire to program....you can. This article covers many blind people out there doing what you dream of doing. Here are great examples of possibilities.

How can you program if you're blind?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Adaptive Math Tools for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Here is a website that will give you all those wonderful tools that blind/low vision kids need in class to help them learn.

Take a walk through and watch videos to get a clear understanding on where to go
Adaptive Math Tools for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Virtual Instruction-using Find command in Word, moving around with talking software

Talking software enables blind individuals to move around quickly and easily in Word: find what you want, select, copy and paste into another document.
Watch video at:  Virtual Instruction-using Find command in Word, moving around with talking software

Lessons for what you need, at www.yourtechvision.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Multiply Impaired Children Can Achieve their goals with the right Technology

Watch Josh. This wonderful young man has goals and desires but no way to get it out until the right piece of technology was introduced to him. Now he is just focusing on learning and achieving.
ALT is a piece of software that cuts down on the multipe key strokes required to accomplish a sophisticated task. If you would like to learn more about this software, contact Rob Nevin at Rob@u-r-able.com

Watch Josh using Alt with teacher Andrea Bodnari: Josh and Alt

Here are other tools also to help any situation: CES 2013: The blind see, the deaf hear, the mute can be heard

For more lessons, go to: www.yourtechvision.com

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Join Hangout in Gmail—chat text and video call-virtual instruction

Video chatting and texting is always fun, but gmail hangout offers another wonderful option for virtual instruction too,
Learn how to
find the people to join you
connect to them
text them
video chat-you calling them with video
video chat with them calling you
answer calls
Download this lesson to learn the great secrets to move you around your window with ease:
 Join Hangout in Gmail—chat text and video call-virtual instruction

Watch video on Youtube at: Gmail Hangout

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Track Changes with Comments--audio/visual lesson

Whether blind or sighted, learn how to make comments and tracks for editing in Word. Learn the keyboard commands that will quickly and easily move you through a page. In addition, learn how to do revisions and check for spelling and grammar errors throughout the page. This is how my teachers correct my blind student's work, so they can independently see what their grade is along with any comment about their work the teacher has for them. 

Emailing back and forth gives the teacher the work on time and then student grades as fast as their sighted peers. This is an audio/visual lesson--download a copy today

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Virtual lesson-teaching blind student how to use track changes in Word-how teachers correct

In 9th grade, this student was only using a brailler to braille out all work....a very slow process to get it transcribed, then to the teacher, then back to the student. In 2 months the student has moved to completing all work on a computer, emailing to teacher, teacher corrects and sends back.

Watch on YouTube:

Virtual lesson-teaching blind student how to use track changes in Word-how teachers correct

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Virtual Instruction through Skype Sharing and texting

I teach virtually to students around the country daily and around the world weekly. I may start in India, then head to New York, then Ohio, Washington State, back to Kansas and so on throughout a day. Skype texting or Gmail text/chat is always part of the first contact, then sharing of desktop or/and typically using Jaws Tandem to connect and bring up the students computer...Virtually, I go around the world in a day, teaching anyone who is blind and has a desire to reach their goals and dreams...or just someone who wants to become a better computer user.

See an example: Virtual Instruction through Skype Sharing and texting

More information at: www.yourtechvision.com

Friday, January 4, 2013

Navigating a Mac with Voice Over—Move around the desktop

Navigating a Mac—Move around the desktop contains all the information you need to learn how to take control of you Mac machine. Get your lesson at: Navigating a Mac—Move around the desktop
Lessons include:
Helpful Hints:
Navigating the desktop
Navigating the Finder to find all your content
Start and Stop interacting with content
Interacting with content areas
Find out how to hear the repeat information
Learn shortcuts and gestures on track pad
Using the Dock
About menus and the menu bar
About files and folders
Copying folders and files and other information
About System Preferences
About Spotlight
Clicking the mouse
Using sticky keys
Using slow keys
Using the cursor control keys
Setting the key repeat rate
Using buttons and other controls
Hearing open applications and windows
Switching between applications
Switching between windows
Move a window to the front
Moving windows and objects
Resizing windows and objects
Get your lesson at: Navigating a Mac—Move around the desktop

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mac computer, Voice over and email

Do you want to learn how to use mail on a Mac computer. This will get you moving.
The most helpful hints that will help you on the Mac in general
Explore Menus
Setup Email
Create New Email
Major and minor spell check options
Understand pane layout and how to move around groups, lists and information in general
Forward Email
Delete Email
Find a person's email and explore other areas to understand how to do all aspects of mail
Get your lesson at:  Mac computer and email

Mac ipad with Voice Over lessons to get you going

If you were one of the fortunate to get an ipad, phone or Mac product for Christmas, let techvision help you get going.
The lessons you need at: Mac/iTools 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Making Beautiful Cards using WORD

For every holiday and occasion, it is great to make your own card and email it to that special someone. Here is the perfect lesson to teach you the tricks you need. More options are under the WORD tab at www.yourtechvision.com

Create your perfect card at:
Creating Beautiful Cards

Monday, December 17, 2012

Skype commands for talking software and emoticons

Skype is an incredible tool for anyone to instantly text each other, video chat, share files and so much more. As a virtual teacher, my students and I use Skype daily to connect. My students ask for help easily using instant messaging and can easily insert emotions as they write...just to make the point clear. When lessons are given, we use video. If they need to show me something, they just aim the camera on what they need me to see. Combine Skype with JAWS tandem and you have a powerful combination of tools to teach virtually.
Here is a list of Skype emotions which can be instantly accessed with JAWS using Shift+CTRL+M

Here is a list of other key commands to use with Skype
Welcome to the JAWS scripts for Skype.
This is a short summary of Skype script commands.  For a complete manual, type JAWSKey+F1 twice quickly.
First, a word about the Skype command key, [ by default:
Many JAWS commands for Skype have two forms:  a single-key-combination form and a key sequence beginning with the Skype Command key.
The Skype Command key can be set from the JAWSKey+V dialog.
To explore the commands available with the Command key, press the Command key and then start using Tab and Shift+Tab to read choices.
This works at sublevels too, such as for conversation commands.
Press Escape when done exploring, or just use one of the available commands..
Below are listed the commands available with these scripts.  Both command forms are listed where available.
Jumping among controls and screen areas:
Press Ctrl+1 or Command t 1 to switch to the Contacts list.
Press Ctrl+2 or Command t 2 to switch to the Conversations list, also called the Inbox.
Press Ctrl+3 or Command t 3 to switch to the live conversation list if there are calls in it.
In a conversation, press Ctrl+4 for the input edit box, Ctrl+5 for the message list, and Ctrl+6 for the contact profile area.  The corresponding Command t sequences also work.
Press Ctrl+7 or Command t 7 to switch to the "Facebook" tab.
Press Ctrl+8 or Command t 8 to switch to the "Skype Home" HTML area of Skype.
To move among screen areas, type F6 or Shift+F6, or equivalently, Ctrl+Accent or Ctrl+Shift+Accent.  Sometimes this can provide a faster path to a control than just repeatedly pressing Tab or Shift+Tab.
Commands for text chats and call management:
To read messages in a conversation window, type Alt+1 for the most recent, Alt+2 for the next most recent, etc.  Type twice to get a virtual viewer containing the message.
Alternatively, use Alt+Left/Right, Alt+Home/End, and Alt+NumPad5 to read through messages sequentially with a remembered current location in each conversation.
To toggle announcement of chat message times with Alt+numbers and Alt+arrows, type F2 or Command c shift+t while in a conversation window.
To hear who is typing in the current conversation window, press F4 or Command c t.
Press F4 twice quickly, or Command C then T twice quickly, to list who is typing when more than one person is typing.
Note that Skype will only indicate when a user is typing if that user did not shut off that indication in his or her profile and if both you and that user
run a new enough Skype version.
Use Ctrl+Shift+M or Command c m to bring up a list of emoticons for selection and insertion into the current chat line.
To switch among open conversations, use Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
To jump to a specific conversation, use Command c and a number, such as 1.
Use Command c l to list conversations with their numbers, or Command c shift+l to hear the list without leaving Command mode so you can then switch to a
conversation with just one key.
To pull up a JAWS list dialog of conversations for selection, use Ctrl+Shift+L or Command c ctrl+l.
To access the dial pad while a call is active, type Ctrl+Shift+D or Command m d.
Skypewatch related commands:
You can choose whether or not to hear Skypewatch announcements via the "Skypewatch messages" option in the JAWS Options dialog (JAWSKey+V) while Skype is
in focus.
If Skypewatch is running, you can repeat any of the most recent ten notifications by typing Command n and then a digit between 1 and 9 or 0.
To hear the most recent Skypewatch notification, you can also type Alt+Shift+F9 or Ctrl+ScrollLock+F9.  This command works from within any application,
not just from within Skype.
Type Alt+Shift+F9 or Ctrl+ScrollLock+F9 twice quickly to toggle on/off the automatic announcement of Skypewatch messages without going into the Verbosity
Options dialog.
General commands:
To announce who is currently in Skype (including online, away, etc.), press Ctrl+Shift+O or Command o c.
You can also get lists of contacts by status:  Command o a for Away, Command o d for Do Not Disturb, Command o n for Not Available, Command o o for Online,
and Command o s for SkypeMe mode.
To adjust various Skype options such as Typing Announcement for conversations, press JAWSKey+V.
To read the Account panel, press Ctrl+Shift+E or Command m e.  Press Ctrl+Shift+E twice to activate the JAWS cursor and move it to the Account panel.
To pick a tool bar item from a list in windows, such as conversations, that have useful tool bars, press JAWSKey+F8 or Command m t.
To recompile all scripts after updating them, press Ctrl+Shift+C or Command m c.  This should not be necessary unless you changed the scripts yourself.
If you are having trouble getting JAWS to work with Skype after reloading JAWS, try typing Ctrl+Shift+S or Command m s to broadcast the fact that a screen
reader is running.

For Skype script support and announcements, use the SkypeEnglish@emissives.com mailing list.
To launch the Skype Scripts home page, press Ctrl+Shift+W or Command m w.
This command also logs your Skype version, script and JAWS versions, and other information that is helpful to the Skype script author in determining what
configurations to support.
Using Ctrl+Shift+W occasionally helps make sure your specific software configuration will not get accidentally left out of future script updates.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Understanding Facial expressions--Training Faces App and game to help you understand facial expressions

Game for individuals with Autism and other special needs to recognize emotions to help improve social skills by recognizing the emotion, the cause behind the emotion and speedup recognition. A percentage of each download goes to Autism charities. Great geography fun as well as you take train trips around the world.
Get this App at Training Faces

For more training materials go to www.yourtechvision.com

Windows 8 access with talking software--keyboard shortcuts

For all those people buying windows 8 and trying to figure out those new keyboard commands using talking software.... here is a nice list to get you going, along with other links to more sites on accessibility.
Windows key: Switch between Modern Desktop Start screen and the last accessed application
Windows key + C: Access the charms bar
Windows key + Tab: Access the Modern Desktop Taskbar
Windows key + I: Access the Settings charm
Windows key + H: Access the Share charm
Windows key + K: Access the Devices charm
Windows key + Q: Access the Apps Search screen
Windows key + F: Access the Files Search screen
Windows key + W: Access the Settings Search screen
Windows key + P: Access the Second Screen bar
Windows key + Z: Brings up the App Bar when you have a Modern Desktop App running
Windows key + X: Access the Windows Tools Menu
Windows key + O: Lock screen orientation
Windows key + . : Move the screen split to the right
Windows key + Shift + . : Move the screen split to the left
Windows key + V: View all active Toasts/Notifications
Windows key + Shift + V: View all active Toasts/Notifications in reverse order
Windows key + PrtScn: Takes a screenshot of the screen and automatically saves it in the Pictures folder as Screenshot
Windows key + Enter: Launch Narrator        
Windows key + E: Open Computer
Windows key + R: Open the Run dialog box
Windows key + U: Open Ease of Access Center
Windows key + Ctrl + F: Open Find Computers dialog box
Windows key + Pause/Break: Open the System page
Windows key + 1..10: Launch a program pinned on the Taskbar in the position indicated by the number
Windows key + Shift + 1..10: Launch a new instance of a program pinned on the Taskbar in the position indicated by the number
Windows key + Ctrl + 1..10: Access the last active instance of a program pinned on the Taskbar in the position indicated by the number
Windows key + Alt + 1..10: Access the Jump List of a program pinned on the Taskbar in the position indicated by the number
Windows key + B: Select the first item in the Notification Area and then use the arrow keys to cycle through the items Press Enter to open the selected item
Windows key + Ctrl + B: Access the program that is displaying a message in the Notification Area
Windows key + T: Cycle through the items on the Taskbar
Windows key + M: Minimize all windows
Windows key + Shift + M: Restore all minimized windows
Windows key + D: Show/Hide Desktop (minimize/restore all windows)
Windows key + L: Lock computer
Windows key + Up Arrow: Maximize current window
Windows key + Down Arrow: Minimize/restore current window
Windows key + Home: Minimize all but the current window
Windows key + Left Arrow: Tile window on the left side of the screen
Windows key + Right Arrow: Tile window on the right side of the screen
Windows key + Shift + Up Arrow: Extend current window from the top to the bottom of the screen
Windows key + Shift + Left/Right Arrow: Move the current window from one monitor to the next
Windows key + F1: Launch Windows Help and Support
PageUp: Scroll forward on the Modern Desktop Start screen
PageDown: Scroll backward on the Modern Desktop Start screen
Esc: Close  a charm
Ctrl + Esc: Switch between Modern Desktop Start screen and the last accessed application
Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel: Activate the Semantic Zoom on the Modern Desktop screen
Alt: Display a hidden Menu Bar
Alt + D: Select the Address Bar
Alt + P: Display the Preview Pane in Windows Explorer
Alt + Tab: Cycle forward through open windows
Alt + Shift + Tab: Cycle backward through open windows
Alt + F: Close the current window Open the Shut Down Windows dialog box from the Desktop
Alt + Spacebar: Access the Shortcut menu for current window
Alt + Esc: Cycle between open programs in the order that they were opened
Alt + Enter: Open the Properties dialog box of the selected item
Alt + PrtScn: Take a screen shot of the active Window and
place it in the clipboard

Alt + Up Arrow: Move up one folder level in Windows Explorer
(Like the Up Arrow in XP)

Alt + Left Arrow: Display the previous folder
Alt + Right Arrow: Display the next folder
Shift + Insert: CD/DVD Load CD/DVD without triggering
Autoplay or Autorun

Shift + Delete: Permanently delete the item (rather than
sending it to the Recycle Bin)

Shift + F6: Cycle backward through elements in a window or
dialog box

Shift + F10: Access the context menu for the selected item
Shift + Tab: Cycle backward through elements in a window or
dialog box

Shift + Click: Select a consecutive group of items
Shift + Click on a Taskbar button: Launch a new instance of
a program

Shift + Right-click on a Taskbar button: Access the context
menu for the selected item

Ctrl + A: Select all items
Ctrl + C: Copy the selected item
Ctrl + X: Cut the selected item
Ctrl + V: Paste the selected item
Ctrl + D: Delete selected item
Ctrl + Z: Undo an action
Ctrl + Y: Redo an action
Ctrl + N: Open a new window in Windows Explorer
Ctrl + W: Close current window in Windows Explorer
Ctrl + E: Select the Search box in the upper right corner of
a window

Ctrl + Shift + N: Create new folder
Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open the Windows Task Manager
Ctrl + Alt + Tab: Use arrow keys to cycle through open

Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Access the Windows Security screen 
Ctrl + Click: Select multiple individual items
Ctrl + Click and drag an item: Copies that item in the same

Ctrl + Shift + Click and drag an item: Creates a shortcut
for that item in the same folder

Ctrl + Tab:  Move
forward through tabs

Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Move backward through tabs
Ctrl + Shift + Click on a Taskbar button: Launch a new
instance of a program as an Administrator

Ctrl + Click on a grouped Taskbar button: Cycle through the
instances of a program in the group

F1: Display Help
F2: Rename a file
F3: Open Search
F4: Display the Address Bar list
F5: Refresh display
F6: Cycle forward through elements in a window or dialog box
F7: Display command history in a Command Prompt
F10: Display hidden Menu Bar
F11: Toggle full screen display
Tab: Cycle forward through elements in a window or dialog

PrtScn: Take a screen shot of the entire screen and place it
in the clipboard

Home: Move to the top of the active window
End: Move to the bottom of the active window
Delete: Delete the selected item
Backspace: Display the previous folder in Windows
Explorer  Move up one folder level in
Open or Save dialog box

Esc: Close a dialog box

Num Lock Enabled + Plus (+): Display the contents of the
selected folder 

Num Lock Enabled + Minus (-): Collapse the selected folder
Num Lock Enabled + Asterisk (*): Expand all subfolders under
the selected folder    

Press Shift 5 times Turn StickyKeys on or off
 Hold down right Shift
for 8 seconds Turn FilterKeys on or off

 Hold down Num Lock
for 5 seconds Turn ToggleKeys on or off

Other helpful links:

Microsoft Surface RT gesture and keyboard shortcut guide

Windows 8 Accessibility

Windows 8 Accessibility Tutorial Guide

Accessibility in Windows 8

Windows 8 - first look

Monday, December 10, 2012

Great Spelling APP Game using Voice Over and Braille Display for ipad/itools

Three University of North Carolina computer science students created a beginning spelling game app that is totally accessible! Spellgate, a free app, is now in the app store. Zoom and VO work well with the game. They also added an option in settings so that when you use the Refreshable Braille Device (RBD), you can turn off the picture labeling if desired so that the RBD does not spell out the picture label. (Spelling out the picture label provides the answer!) You can also mute VO and the student will have to rely on reading the RBD letters.

The students will continue to work on the game next semester, so please provide your input! They plan to do some fine tuning and hope to add letter recognition (matching letters) and a way for teachers to add their own words.
Click on the link for more information: