Learning What you Need

All Lessons you need to learn the skills to Achieve

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Braille Note-use the calculator and auto insert answers into Processor

Learn how to create a document, insert, date and answers from your scientific calculator.
Learn how to jump around your Braille Note quickly with 1 command, jumping from your calculator, completing addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and to the power of problems, then jump back into your processor where you left off to quickly insert the whole problem. Math is done quickly and efficiently.

Learn these quick modes also with the lesson: Math on Apex and insert answers automatically into Word

Learn about the Braille Note with extensive lessons at: Braille Note at: Braille Note Lessons to take you through the Basics to more advanced skills

Friday, February 22, 2013

How to pair the braille note with ipad or other itool and use Notes

Learn how easy it is to pair the Apex Braille Note with and iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, giving great braille feedback to the iTool user.

Learn how to bypass Apex commands to utilize the iPad commands, use Notes and email a lesson to a teacher.

Download an audio/visual lesson today at: How to pair the braille note with ipad or other itool and use Notes

or a text lesson at: Connect or pair the Apex-Braille Note to an iPad using Bluetooth

or extensive lessons on the Braille Note at: Braille Note Lessons to take you through the Basics to more advanced skills

Over a Thousand books in Braille

Free Sample Books on Request

Over 1000 Children's Books in Braille!

Search through our webpage at: Children's books in braille

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dr Robinson teaches a Virtual Lesson on Spanish with talking software in Word

Blindness does not stop learning. Nick is learning how to type out Spanish words, listen to a Spanish real speak voice from JAWS, then email his lessons to his teachers for a grade. He will get back his work in email and listening to the corrections through the use of track changes. Independence is possible in all areas of education for the blind.

Watch Video at: Dr Robinson teaches a Virtual Lesson on Spanish with talking software in Word

More Lessons at: www.yourtechvision.com

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Access Science for ALL

Chemist Dr Cary Supalo, who is himself blind, has a web-based site called Independence Science which is dedicated to making Science, and specifically Chemistry, accessible to students who are blind or visually impaired.

The Talking LabQuest (TLQ) is the latest in scientific access technology for the blind and the only device developed to improve hands-on experiments in the laboratory. This hand-held, portable computer allows a student to collect and analyze data independently or within a lab group of their sighted peers. Open a world of opportunity for a student who is blind or low vision in STEM fields of study with the ISci Lab Solution. Hear or view this video below for an overview of how the TLQ feels, operates, and completes an experiment.

Go to Independence Science

Monday, February 18, 2013

What and Who are Sighted People?

People who use their eyes to receive information about the world are called sighted people or "people who are sighted."

Sighted people enjoy rich full lives, working, playing and raising
families. They run businesses, hold public office and teach your

People who are
sighted may walk or ride public transportation, but most choose to
travel long distances by operating their own motor vehicles. They have
gone through many hours of training to learn the "rules of the road" in
order to further their independence. Once that road to freedom has been
mastered, sighted people earn a legal classification and a "Driver's
License" which allows them to operate a private vehicle safely and

people are accustomed to viewing the world in visual terms. This means
that in many situations, they will not be able to communicate orally and
may resort to pointing or other gesturing. Subtle facial expressions
may also be used to convey feelings in social situations. Calmly alert
the sighted person to his surroundings by speaking slowly, in a normal
tone of voice.

Questions directed at the sighted person help focus attention back on the verbal rather than visual communication.

At times, sighted people may need help finding things, especially when
operating a motor vehicle. Your advance knowledge of routes and
landmarks, particularly bumps in the road, turns and traffic lights,
will assist the "driver" in finding the way quickly and easily. Your
knowledge of building layouts can also assist the sighted person in
navigating complex shopping malls and offices. Sighted people tend to be
very proud and will not ask directly for assistance. Be gentle yet

The person who
is sighted relies exclusively on visual information. His or her
attention span fades quickly when reading long texts. Computer
information is presented in a "Graphical User Interface" or GUI.
Coordination of hands and eyes is often a problem for sighted people, so
the computer mouse, a handy device that slides along the desk top,
saves confusing keystrokes. With one button, the sighted person can move
around his or her computer screen quickly and easily. People who are
sighted are not accustomed to synthetic speech and may have great
difficulty understanding even the clearest synthesizer. Be patient and
prepared to explain many times how your computer equipment works.


Sighted people read through a system called "Print." this is a series
of images drawn in a two dimensional plain. People who are sighted
generally have a poorly developed sense of touch. Braille is completely
foreign to the sighted person and he or she will take longer to learn
the code and be severely limited by his or her existing visual senses.
Sighted people cannot function well in low lighting conditions and are
generally completely helpless in total darkness. their homes are usually
very brightly lit at great expense, as are businesses that cater to the
sighted consumer.


People who are sighted do not want your charity. They want to live, work
and play along with you. The best thing you can do to support sighted
people in your community is to open yourself to their world. These
people are vital contributing members to society. Take a sighted person
to lunch today!

Be nice to them, Some of my best friends are sighted people.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Online Games for the Blind

Card Games, audio games, accessible games for blind people. Here are a couple great sites to give you the edge in playing with others around the world online.
Go to:
Welcome at AudioGames.net!
Blind Gamers

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

See your computer screen better when you have low vision

There are many ways to adapt your computer to see everything better and these features are already built into a PC.
High contrast and enlarging icons and font are just a few great options to "see" better. There are many many more ways and lessons are at www.yourtechvision.com under the Low Vision Tab

Watch Youtube video at: Low Vision PC tricks

Android Access for the Blind

Welcome to Android Access, your portal to information on accessible Android apps and programs for the blind and visually impaired. We're excited to be a part of the Android community, and look forward to your comments, feedback, and submissions. If you're new to Android, check out our Getting Started page. Keep up to date with the latest reviews and news by following @AndroidAccess on Twitter.
For all those Apps you are looking for that are accessible for the blind, this is the page to go to: Android APPS

How can you program if you're blind? Answered Here

For all those people who are blind and have a great desire to program....you can. This article covers many blind people out there doing what you dream of doing. Here are great examples of possibilities.

How can you program if you're blind?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Adaptive Math Tools for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Here is a website that will give you all those wonderful tools that blind/low vision kids need in class to help them learn.

Take a walk through and watch videos to get a clear understanding on where to go
Adaptive Math Tools for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Virtual Instruction-using Find command in Word, moving around with talking software

Talking software enables blind individuals to move around quickly and easily in Word: find what you want, select, copy and paste into another document.
Watch video at:  Virtual Instruction-using Find command in Word, moving around with talking software

Lessons for what you need, at www.yourtechvision.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Multiply Impaired Children Can Achieve their goals with the right Technology

Watch Josh. This wonderful young man has goals and desires but no way to get it out until the right piece of technology was introduced to him. Now he is just focusing on learning and achieving.
ALT is a piece of software that cuts down on the multipe key strokes required to accomplish a sophisticated task. If you would like to learn more about this software, contact Rob Nevin at Rob@u-r-able.com

Watch Josh using Alt with teacher Andrea Bodnari: Josh and Alt

Here are other tools also to help any situation: CES 2013: The blind see, the deaf hear, the mute can be heard

For more lessons, go to: www.yourtechvision.com

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Join Hangout in Gmail—chat text and video call-virtual instruction

Video chatting and texting is always fun, but gmail hangout offers another wonderful option for virtual instruction too,
Learn how to
find the people to join you
connect to them
text them
video chat-you calling them with video
video chat with them calling you
answer calls
Download this lesson to learn the great secrets to move you around your window with ease:
 Join Hangout in Gmail—chat text and video call-virtual instruction

Watch video on Youtube at: Gmail Hangout

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Track Changes with Comments--audio/visual lesson

Whether blind or sighted, learn how to make comments and tracks for editing in Word. Learn the keyboard commands that will quickly and easily move you through a page. In addition, learn how to do revisions and check for spelling and grammar errors throughout the page. This is how my teachers correct my blind student's work, so they can independently see what their grade is along with any comment about their work the teacher has for them. 

Emailing back and forth gives the teacher the work on time and then student grades as fast as their sighted peers. This is an audio/visual lesson--download a copy today

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Virtual lesson-teaching blind student how to use track changes in Word-how teachers correct

In 9th grade, this student was only using a brailler to braille out all work....a very slow process to get it transcribed, then to the teacher, then back to the student. In 2 months the student has moved to completing all work on a computer, emailing to teacher, teacher corrects and sends back.

Watch on YouTube:

Virtual lesson-teaching blind student how to use track changes in Word-how teachers correct

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Virtual Instruction through Skype Sharing and texting

I teach virtually to students around the country daily and around the world weekly. I may start in India, then head to New York, then Ohio, Washington State, back to Kansas and so on throughout a day. Skype texting or Gmail text/chat is always part of the first contact, then sharing of desktop or/and typically using Jaws Tandem to connect and bring up the students computer...Virtually, I go around the world in a day, teaching anyone who is blind and has a desire to reach their goals and dreams...or just someone who wants to become a better computer user.

See an example: Virtual Instruction through Skype Sharing and texting

More information at: www.yourtechvision.com

Friday, January 4, 2013

Navigating a Mac with Voice Over—Move around the desktop

Navigating a Mac—Move around the desktop contains all the information you need to learn how to take control of you Mac machine. Get your lesson at: Navigating a Mac—Move around the desktop
Lessons include:
Helpful Hints:
Navigating the desktop
Navigating the Finder to find all your content
Start and Stop interacting with content
Interacting with content areas
Find out how to hear the repeat information
Learn shortcuts and gestures on track pad
Using the Dock
About menus and the menu bar
About files and folders
Copying folders and files and other information
About System Preferences
About Spotlight
Clicking the mouse
Using sticky keys
Using slow keys
Using the cursor control keys
Setting the key repeat rate
Using buttons and other controls
Hearing open applications and windows
Switching between applications
Switching between windows
Move a window to the front
Moving windows and objects
Resizing windows and objects
Get your lesson at: Navigating a Mac—Move around the desktop

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mac computer, Voice over and email

Do you want to learn how to use mail on a Mac computer. This will get you moving.
The most helpful hints that will help you on the Mac in general
Explore Menus
Setup Email
Create New Email
Major and minor spell check options
Understand pane layout and how to move around groups, lists and information in general
Forward Email
Delete Email
Find a person's email and explore other areas to understand how to do all aspects of mail
Get your lesson at:  Mac computer and email

Mac ipad with Voice Over lessons to get you going

If you were one of the fortunate to get an ipad, phone or Mac product for Christmas, let techvision help you get going.
The lessons you need at: Mac/iTools 