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Friday, January 27, 2012

Digital Handwriting -change to Text on a computer with a Tablet and handwriting software

One of the greatest problems for blind students in school is how to get handwritten notes as the teacher writes them in the front of the room. Now they can get those notes on a digimemo and can translate them into text that their talking software will read INDEPENDENTLY. They just hand the writing tablet to a sighted student who is taking notes for themselves anyway. They finish the notes, take their copy and hand the pad back to the blind student. The blind student takes the pad and uses a computer to translate the handwritten notes into text for themselves.
Yes, a para educator can do all this, but it will not make the student independent and the para educator is not going to graduate and do all this when for them in college or at their job. Using the DigiMemo and the handwriting software now gives a blind person the opportunity to get the information they need and translate the handwriting by themselves using a computer. This works with Mac also.

Watch Video: Digital Handwriting -change to Text on a computer with a Tablet and handwriting software

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