Learning What you Need

All Lessons you need to learn the skills to Achieve

Friday, October 7, 2011

The UnTEACHable

First of all, there is no such thing as unteachable. The only people who are unteachable are those who decide NOT to learn any more.

In regards to people, we all have this tremendous ability to learn, no matter where we start out. Children are given labels and everyone starts teaching DOWN to that label. We need to teach UP to the child.

"The Structure of the Brain changes with ACTIVITY!!!!" The Brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge

I have proven the brain changes itself through activity over and over: Taken children that had been written off or inundated with labels that said "unteachable." Ignoring the label I taught the child about a world they could access. Computers and different types of technology have enabled the deaf/blind to "talk" with their friends through texting. The Blind to be independent and keep up with their peers. The low cognitive to "speak" and interact with their surroundings.

Emailing opens up everyone's world and if you have a reluctant child to learn, tell them you will start with making friends on email. Add a braille display and they start reading. Everyone wants friends and it gets any child engaged.

One of my children who was put in the lowest class in the district, was thought unteachable. It appeared he had no skills. Slowly but surely through many activities of teaching color, moving and stacking objects and yes, teaching conversation skills, this child began to open up. After a year, I added a talking computer. As soon as I placed it in front of him, he placed his hands on it and said, "My computer." He got it. He knew this would help him even more. When we opened it I helped him to learn how to type words, so even when he did not want to speak, he could through his computer.

Everyone can be TEACHABLE!

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