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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Set defaults for Word, learn format tricks

Perky Duck, use simbraille in Word, Track Changes send in Word using Out...

Control computer with voice: Cortana, dictate and speech recognition - O...

Monday, January 6, 2020

iPhone, no double tap needed, dictation, access for work

Braille screen input on iPhone and iPad

PPT online access with talking software

Connect Focus 40 braille display to Jaws

Making inaccessible scanned images--TEXT in google docs

Update that computer-Tech Tip for the Day-

Google Chrome and speech dictate in Docs-Tech tip for the day-

Google slides and turn it all into text-Tech Tip

MLA APA format of heading for paper writing-Tech Tip

Tech Tip-how to access a network easily and where to find it

Sunday, January 5, 2020